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Tiger Woods Is My Inspiration 

No, seriously. And he should be an inspiration to all men. No, not for you to go out and randomly bang a gang of blonde chics. No, no, no. He should be the inspiration for us all to be better men. I don’t think there is a perfect person on the planet. We all make mistakes. However, Tiger’s “transgressions” (I effin love that term) were a lifestyle choice. Granted, I find it hard to believe every story from the bimbo train but I am not naïve enough to believe that he wasn’t getting it in on that level. My…Read more

Crazy Is as Crazy Does 

Obviously as human beings, we require a certain amount of affection from the opposite sex. However, we are sometimes fooled into mistaking craziness for passion. I’ve had way too many of my female friends tell me about their significant others irrational behavior, then justify it by saying: “he’s just so passionate.” I gotta call bullsh*t. That ni**a’s crazy. If he climbs onto the roof of your apartment, blocks your child’s father’s car in your driveway when he’s picking up your daughter, or follows you…Read more

Cheating Is Okay 

Cheating is okay

I know, I know, I know. . . . let me preface this by saying that cheating is okay in certain circumstances. Also, let me point out that this declaration applies to both males and females. Most would generally agree that cheaters are cheaters, period, which to some degree I do agree with. There are those peopl that cheat solely for egotistical reasons. They cheat because they can, or they may just be hounds and go for every fresh piece they can find. These cats do exist, but we’re not…Read more


F**k, and all of its variations, is one of my favorite words. It works so well in almost any situation. Here are a few examples:

Parts of Speech:
Adverb: The meeting was f**cked, we are all losing our jobs.
Adjective: The f**king table is leaning to the left.
Verb: He f**ked off all his money in the strip club.
Noun: Last year, those f**ks from the IRS overcharged me.
Pronoun: F**k did that? (like: who did that?)
Interjection: F**k, she forgot to take her birth control!!!!!

Disdain: Nah,…

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Water Your Own Damn Grass  

So the grass is always greener on the other side? I dig it. Everyone’s life has some brown spots in it where the grass just doesn’t seem to cooperate. However, the statement itself is an idiom that is commonplace enough that its meaning has been accepted as a base truth. But, that meaning that we have swallowed and digested as a three course meal of truth should be regurgitated, reexamined, refused, and removed. Let’s call it what it is: grass envy. Looking at what someone else has and envying that is quite…Read more