Crazy Is as Crazy Does

Obviously as human beings, we require a certain amount of affection from the opposite sex. However, we are sometimes fooled into mistaking craziness for passion. I’ve had way too many of my female friends tell me about their significant others irrational behavior, then justify it by saying: “he’s just so passionate.” I gotta call bullsh*t. That ni**a’s crazy. If he climbs onto the roof of your apartment, blocks your child’s father’s car in your driveway when he’s picking up your daughter, or follows you when you go out to clubs with your girlfriends . . . that’s not passion, that’s insanity. So, he works hard and gives you everything you want. That’s super. But, be careful that he doesn’t believe that he’s paid the cost to be the boss. Men are much worse. We frequently qualify crazy behavior as passion. Further, we accept crazy behavior when it’s accompanied by the prerequisite sexual prowess of a crazy person. There’s a fine line between the woman who is so into you that she can show it physically and the woman that is so nuts that she can get outside of herself physically. Men tend to think that a woman that never says no to anything you want sexually must just be that in love with you. It can be true, but recognize the other signs as well. If she thinks every woman you speak to wants to sleep with you, gets upset when she sees you with your girlfriend (if she’s the other woman), cries at every situation that doesn’t go her way, or memorizes your license plate number . . . that’s not passion, that’s insanity. The basic problem is that a crazy person doesn’t view you as an equal, they view you as a possession . . . and that’s just crazy.

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