The Imfamous

What is it about the bad guy we love? I was watching the movie Blow last night and found myself wishing that ended in Acapulco. At that point Boston George had it all... His true love...loyalty from his crew... Money and a low profile. But it wasn't enough. I watch Menace to Society but turn it off after the going away party. I really look away when Tony kills Manolo in Scarface. I the movies the bad guy loses everything better t that's not always the case in real life. Joe Kennedys sons became damn near royalty...a president, attorney general and a senator. Yeah the first two got touched but they're remembered as heroes arguably. Prescott Bush laid a foundation that's damn near made his family the Pittsburgh Steelers of politics with two presidents and a possible. We love the villain and history tells us that no matter what the movies tell us... 

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