Hip Hop and Hollywood

I think they are both declining for the same reasons...recycled goods. Even if Robin Hood is a success how many times do we really need to see a visual for the same movie. Maybe this is a bad example but think of all of the retread we're being forced to consume as opposed to getting to see that fresh fresh stuff the inspires creativity. Just look at tv. How many good shows get cancelled b/c the networks don't know what they're doing. Example 1. Flash Forward. You air a new series, get great ratings then yank it off the air for few months expecting people to pick right up where they left off. No sir. Too much tv to watch to care about a new series you were just getting the feel of to only have it yanked away. To network stations, get your act together. To syfy or sci-fi or whatever you're calling yourself these day pick up Sarah Conner the series and Flash Forward and maybe look into jump starting the 4400. But stop with B rate sci-fi, its getting dull. Now to music. Same thing. Stop with the B rate carbon copies and give us that fresh,fresh. I love the Drake stuff and J.Cole is a homer but can you give Jay Electronica a little more shine. Or maybe even try to do right Jada Kiss... he's one of the greatest and would be held in much higher regard if he were actually marketed right. I mean for the hype that Detox is getting , how many people actually expect to get this album any time soon. Stop pushing the back so much and maybe Flash Forward a bit. Cause at this point, what do any of you have to loose...you've all (corpoarte entertainment) already lost your Money, Power and Respect. Long live the independents...so say we all 

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